Learning programming at any age

Saturday, August 31, 2024

"How do I learn programming at 30?" "Is it too late to start programming at 40?" "Im thinking about changing my career to programming at 27." "I want to learn programming, but Im scared because Im 50."

These are questions that might be weighing on your mind as you search Google, browse Reddit, or even feel tempted to give up, thinking youre too old or not smart enough to learn programming. But heres the truth: programming isnt just for the naturally gifted—its for everyone. Anyone can learn to code; some just happen to excel at it more quickly than others.

When I first discovered programming, it wasnt through a tech class or a computer manual. I stumbled upon the concept in a biology book, of all places. The word "code" kept popping up, and it intrigued me so much that I googled, "What is code?" That led me to "What is coding?" I was young at the time and had no idea you could make a career out of it. I was simply fascinated and realized I had a knack for it.

# How to Start Learning Programming: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Explore the World of Programming Begin by exploring the vast landscape of programming. Look into different fields—like web development, software engineering, data science, or game development—and find out what excites you the most. Understanding these categories and their sub-branches will help you decide which path you want to pursue as a career.

2. Choose a Programming Language Once you’ve identified your area of interest, select a programming language to learn. If you’re torn between software development and web development, both fields involve front-end and back-end work. For beginners, Python and JavaScript are excellent choices. Theyre both widely used, versatile, and have a relatively gentle learning curve. Avoid starting with languages like C or C++, which can be overwhelming for beginners due to their complexity and low-level operations. Stick with Python or JavaScript for your first year to build a strong foundation. Once you’re comfortable with the basics, you can explore more complex languages like C++, or even Rust, if you’re looking to challenge yourself and deepen your understanding of how things work under the hood.

Learning Resources: How to Avoid ’Tutorial Hell’

When it comes to learning programming, the sheer volume of resources available—both free and paid—can be overwhelming. Every platform claims to be the best, and with so many tutorials and courses, it’s easy to fall into what’s known as "tutorial hell." This is a common pitfall where you find yourself endlessly jumping from one tutorial to the next, always feeling like the current one is missing something, or hoping that the next course will be the one that finally clicks.
Should I recommend specific courses or websites? No. What about books? If you’re interested in Python,
for example, O’Reilly books are fantastic. You can buy them or... acquire them through less conventional means. Whatever you choose—whether it’s reading material or visual tutorials—make sure you actively engage with the content. Don’t just watch or read; do. Follow along with what they are doing, but also challenge yourself to go back to the code you’ve written and tweak it. Don’t worry—you won’t break your computer!

Focus on Learning the Fundamentals

Learn about functions, conditional statements, loops, classes, etc. After completing each section, like conditional statements, apply what you’ve learned to a small project that mirrors something you do in real life. For example, if the tutorial teaches you how to compare two numbers, try modifying the code to compare strings or create a simple game where guessing the right number increases a counter and triggers another function.

The key is to create your own simple problems and solve them. Programming is all about finding solutions, and the more you practice creating and solving problems, the more confident you’ll become.

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you’ve covered the basics, practice by solving problems. Google simple programming problems, like "loops problems in Python," and work through them. Don’t rush into advanced topics like algorithms or data structures right away. Although understanding data structures will eventually make you a better programmer, as a beginner, it’s more important to build a strong foundation first.

Time to Build Your Own Projects

Now that you’ve covered the basics and practiced a bit, it’s time to create something on your own. Don’t get caught up in the idea that you have to invent something groundbreaking or entirely new—just avoid making clones of existing apps like a YouTube clone. Instead, focus on creating something that comes to mind, like a simple tic-tac-toe game. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, take a look at your daily life and think about tasks that could be automated.
You can also join programming communities on Discord or Reddit to find a study partner. Reddit is particularly great for this, allowing you to learn with someone else and share resources along the way.

Final Thoughts: Start Your Programming Journey Today

Starting a programming journey can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re switching careers or learning later in life. However, remember that programming is for everyone, and there’s no "right" path. The key is to start small, build steadily, and stay curious.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes—they’re a natural part of the learning process. Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to grow. The most important step is to begin, whether that means writing your first line of code, joining a community, or tackling a simple project.

Remember, the best time to start was yesterday. The second-best time is now. So, take that first step, start learning, and embrace the journey ahead. With dedication and persistence, you’ll be amazed at how far you can go. Happy coding!

If you have any feedback about this blog, or need more information how to deal with imposter syndrome or even wanna say hey, email me designahdesign@proton.me

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